




  The first day of my journey, in the mean while, the last day of my university life. There was no sadness about the end of my student life, instead, I expected it for the next few years after my graduation.

  The rainy afternoon in Taipei, I walked to my favorite book store and enjoyed the pure joy of reading. It’s been a long time since the last time I bought a book for personal need, instead of school. I spend almost half and an hour to pick up just one book for my journey. There were really a lot of nice novels attracted me, but in the final, I picked up a unpopular one, Die Heimkehr. The main reasons which pushed me to buy this book were two. First, the author is a famous German novelist, whose name is Schrink. I’d studied German for a year, although this one is a Chinese version, I still think it will help me to understand German. Second, and also the more important reason, I regarded my trip to USA and New Zealand as the journey of discover myself, and the theme of the book is just so similar to my trip, “searching”. The main role, Peter, went on his way to find the end of the book which he read in his childhood, and he finally found the answer was just a part of him.

(There are still two parts of this blog, but I don’t want to translate it into English now, please just read it in Chinese, or skip it.)



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